Dienstag, 6. Oktober 2015

How to say in German: Is there still a place for me ?

German Expression daily from Davao

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October 7, 2015

Here is the expression of today:

How to say in German: Is there still a place  for me ?
Answer: Gibt es noch einen Platz  ?

With best regards,
Ludwig from Davao

Who is writing to you ?
Hello! My name is Ludwig  and  I live in Davao. As a native German, teacher for German language with diploma from University of Ludwigsburg/Germany, chief editor of “123easyGerman”  as well as a member of the faculty of USEP Davao ( University of Southeastern  Philippines)  language department. I give classes in German language  preparing for the A1-test at Goethe Institute, Manila. With success.

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